

Hello there,
behind 'from the blue mountains' there is a stay-at-home mother of four little ones living in the Netherlands. 

My name is Sara and I am originally from Italy.
You can communicate with me in Italian, Dutch or English.
The past years have been the most fulfilling but also the most (positively) challenging ones as I ventured into pregnancies and motherhood.
Art is always been part of my life since toddlerhood really and later on in my studies as well.
I am a little perfectionist though and I kept my creative self aside for a while as I couldn't find a way to make it work alongside motherhood (which always comes first).
I seem to have found a good balance for the time being and it's giving me such extra joy in my already precious life.
When you buy one of my creations you directly help a (our) growing family.
Sometimes you help with groceries, sometimes with important payments, and sometimes with less important ones.
But is all so well used.

I am so grateful and I  thank you all for the support.
I hope you will enjoy my future creations!


All art and photographs  ©fromthebluemountains, unless otherwise stated.

If you would like to share any image of my work (exception made for any commercial use) please credit me, link, and let me know about it. Thank you.

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